Basil Paulson, PHD

Senior Scientist


Ph.D. Physical Organic Chemistry (Advisor Gerhard Closs), University of Chicago | B.A. Chemistry major, Physics minor, Wittenberg University

Professional organizations

American Association for the Advancement of Science | National Ground Water Association


I spent my high school years working in a family chemical business running reactions and scaling projects. After getting my PhD in chemistry, I did post-doc at Argonne National Lab., did a stint in Peace Corps, worked at a traditional chemical manufacturing plant, a Medical device company in Chicago, and later at a couple start-ups in California developing enzymes and catalysts. I then went into semi-retirement after our first child was born.

I am glad to be at Grayling because of the diverse engineering challenges there.  I really enjoy reading technical literature, and the different process methods used for clean water and “used” water.

My spare time is dominated by three kids: coaching soccer, volunteering at schools, and biking and hiking.

Where would you take a month-long road trip?

In the northern part of Canada, or Alaska …probably in the summer

What’s your most powerful characteristic?

An inability to say no to things I should say no to

Coffee or tea?

Is that really a choice to people?

What was your first design project you’ve worked on?

Scaling a chemical production process. It was a family business where the main equipment was maintained with duct tape, rust breaker, five-gallon buckets, and cinder blocks. Things got easier to design after I left for different jobs and had a budget, but it’s a very ‘hard skill to unlearn.

What valuable lesson did you learn from your parents?

Duck tape